We Wanted To Know What James Harden and LeBron Jame's Shot Charts Looked Like for 2020-21

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By 5thQ Staff Writer | @5thQSports | 2021-10-03

SAN FRANCISCO -- I’m like a cat in many ways. I like lapping milk, eating live birds, and shitting in the garden. In this specific case, I am cat-like in my curiosity. Like many calicos I wonder to myself, often when I am attempting to fall asleep: where do LeBron and James Harden make and miss shots? This isn’t the one that keeps me up for hours, swirling about my noggin, but it is one of the ones that passes through nightly.

Would it be easier to, say, run this through the ol’ Google machine? Yes, it would be. I in a temporary fit of insanity and insomnia, this is what the staff eventually approved of. I created them with gluesticks and construction paper. Hopefully my Mom'll tack this on the fridge for the neighbors to see during Bunco nights.

Now, is there anything here that everyone else didn’t already know? Nope. But they sure are purdy.

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