Why Firing Anthony Lynn Is A Bad Move - From A Chargers Fan

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By Resident Ginger | @5thQGinger | 2021-01-18

Firing Anthony Lynn was probably the most idiotic move Dean Sp*nos has ever made as the owner of the San Diego Super Chargers. Sorry for the *... Sp*nos is my trigger word. Five reasons why this is the worst move in history (a thread and by thread I mean bullet points):

  • If you’re not following @Stop_Hammerzeit aka A Girl With No Face on Twitter, that’s a mistake. To fill you in, she is the die hard Chargers fan and very nice blonde woman who has been posting pictures of her back side with “fire” on one cheek and “Lynn” on the other. I am terrified that with Lynn gone, she will have no more Chargers content. But as a long time follower, I am confident that she will prevail and come up with new content. My recommendation would be “Cut Badgley”

I thought I would be able to come up with five reasons but honestly, the one above is the most pressing and the only one that actually matters. 

#CutBadgley #HerbertIsMyDaddy #FuckTheDucks

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